Ute Alumnus Caught trying to Piggy-back to the 3rd Floor. Alana Tilley Releases Henchman.

Utah fan Anderson Cooper and his crew were attacked Wednesday by an angry mob of henchman deployed from the 3rd floor as chaos ensued when there were no plastic silverwares to be found in the break area. "Cooper said he was punched 10 times in the head as a Darth Tilley mob surrounded him and his crew trying to find something to eat with," BYUTV producer Billy Ocean tweeted.
The network reported that even though henchmen "pushed and shoved the BYUtv crew" in the lobby, no one was seriously hurt.

Thousands of SSAs Protest in South Provo Calling for Change. More Polos and Filtered Water at Bottom of list.

For decades, the SSAs have seemed exceptions to the laws of politics and human nature. While liberty expanded in many parts of the private public television, these contracted fools were left behind, their "freedom deficit" signaling the political underdevelopment that accompanied many other economic and social maladies not to mention shoddy parking.

Scott Hill to demo new bow flex work out for BYU Football and loving it.

"About a year ago my weight was 235-240 and I felt bad all the time. My doctor told me I needed to start exercising. I bought the Revolution, but never had the discipline to use it were the famous last words of BYUTV producer Scott Hill. Then he met bow flex. Now with a strict regimen of vitamin C and St. John's wort Scott is ready to tackle any live feed multi-camera sporting event. Read more.

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