BYU to leave Mountain West for Vatican

In a speech to the Vatican tribunal that decides annulments, Pope Benedict XVI told priests to do a better job at screening who they let tie the knot and to spend more time counseling couples away from splitting.
In a message some observers thinks was directed at the U.S., where the divorce rate continues to rise, he said better pre-marriage counseling and time spent with husband and wives to be could help weed out who might not be ready for a trip down the aisle.
And if priests don't think a couple should tie the knot, there's no reason that church officials have to allow it, the Pope added.
"No one can make a claim to the right to a nuptial ceremony," he said.
In 2006, the United States had more annulment cases than the rest of the world combined.
"The church and society at large place too much importance on the good of marriage and the family founded on it to not make a profound commitment to it pastorally," he said.

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